Howard Linett

Now a Standard Item on my Weapons Cleaning Bench
“My students believe that my true religion is weapons cleaning. I not only teach it, I preach it. Very few carefully selected products ever come into contact with my beloved sniper rifle, my ArmaLite AR10-(T).
BarrelBuddy has been added to this exclusive group.
I have used them now for a couple of months. They are more effective than patches. They coat the barrel evenly – 360 degrees. I especially like the way they apply bore cleaning paste. BarrelBuddy is now a standard item on my weapons cleaning bench and in my Grab-n-Go gear.”
Howard B. Linett, Esq. has lived in Jerusalem, Israel half his adult life. He is a veteran of the Israeli Defense Force Combat Engineers and Platoon Honor Graduate of his Basic Training and Sapper course. He has been a member of the Israeli Police Civil Guard for the past 31 years and a member of its Jerusalem Sniper Unit since 1995. He is an Israeli Police Civil Guard Sergeant-Major and certified sniper instructor. Howard has been a frequent lecturer to Israeli Border Police Sniper Courses and has instructed IDF sniper and other units. He is a member of the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors and has online continuing education courses available through the S2 Institute.
Licensed by the Israeli Ministry of Defense, Defense Export Controls Division (API) to lecture on Terrorism and to Instruct Shooting, Howard lectures to American Local, State and Federal Law Enforcement, Homeland Security and military personnel. His Terrorist Attack Tactics and Techniques presentation was awarded four (4) hours of continuing education credit by the Fairfax County Virginia Criminal Justice Training Academy. Born and bred in Connecticut, Howard earned his B.A. in Government & Law from Lafayette College, his M.S. in Labor Studies from the University of Massachusetts and his Juris Doctorate, Cum Laude, from the University of Bridgeport School of Law. Howard in is the author of a number of Law Review articles.
He is published in Soldier of Fortune, S.W.A.T., Police, and AmericanCop magazines, and The Firearms Instructor and the Counter-Terrorism journals. His Op-Eds appear in The New Media Howard is the author of LIVING WITH TERRORISM: Survival Lessons from the Streets of Jerusalem, available from Paladin Press. He sometimes writes under a pen name, David Stone. Howard Linett is a member of the Suicide/Homicide Bomber Tactical Analysis Focus Group of the National Terrorism Preparedness Institute and the Technical Support Working Group, U.S. Department of Homeland Security. He is also a NRA Certified Firearms Instructor and Competitive Shooter.