Great News for The Gun Owners of Texas

Posted by Spartacus on 26th Jun 2023

Great News for The Gun Owners of Texas

This is a copy of an email from GOA (Gun Owners of America) highlighting several legislative victories in Texas.

Bills that passed -

HB2837 by Representative Matt Schaefer

Also known as the Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act, HB2837 was filed because credit card companies made the bold and very foolish claim that they were going to track and code firearm purchases. The bill helps stop credit card companies from tracking and potentially sharing our information with the federal government. This is huge because the federal government would use this as a de-facto gun registration.

HB3137 by Representative Carrie Isaac

This bill stops municipalities from mandating firearm liability insurance. Larger cities have been pushing this liberal agenda and thankfully they have been stopped. Another great win.

HB1760 by Representative Cole Hefner

Concerned parties contend that current ambiguity in the Texas Penal Code dealing with carrying firearms on the premises of a school could be interpreted as any location where students are present. Effectively, this could lead to a law-abiding citizen unknowingly committing a crime if they are carrying a firearm in a legal location and students show up as part of a school event.

HB1760 aims to prevent this by clarifying that in order for a location to be considered part of the school, the building or premises must be owned by or under the control of the school or institution of higher education. Laws need to be precise and not vague. However, progressive leftist love vague laws that way they can make them mean whatever they want and fit any circumstance where they decide to apply it.

HB1760 amended current law relating to the prosecution of the offense of possessing a weapon in certain prohibited places associated with schools or postsecondary educational institutions.

HB2291 by Representative Shelby Slawson

Currently, sitting judicial officers, the attorney general, district attorneys, United States attorneys, criminal district attorneys, county attorneys, municipal attorneys, and assistant attorneys are permitted to carry handguns in weapon-restricted areas including courthouses if they are licensed to carry. While active judges and justices are permitted to carry in restricted areas, they lose that privilege after retirement.

With the backlog of cases as a result of the pandemic, retired judges have presided over cases. While they are acting as the presiding judge in some cases, they are still classified as retired and are not able to carry in the chamber or proceeding. HB2291 amends current law relating to the carrying or possession of a handgun by certain retired judges and justices.

SB599 by Senator Brian Birdwell

This bill enables district and county clerks to carry under the same guidelines as sitting judicial officers, the attorney general, district attorneys, United States attorneys, criminal district attorneys, county attorneys, municipal attorneys, and assistant attorneys. And why not are their lives worth any less.

This is great news for the gunowners of Texas.
