
Great News for The Gun Owners of Texas

Posted by Spartacus on 27th Jun 2023

Great News for The Gun Owners of Texas

This is a copy of an email from GOA (Gun Owners of America) highlighting several legislative victories in Texas.Bills that passed - HB2837 by Representative Matt Schaefer Also known as the Second Am …

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LIVE NOT by LIES again

Posted by Spartacus on 17th Mar 2023

LIVE NOT by LIES again

I could write a blog about Biden’s latest unconstitutional executive order regarding the second amendment.I would rather repost this blog regarding how we should LIVE NOT by LIES. Alexander Solzheni …

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A Lonely COVID Christmas

Posted by Spartacus on 24th Dec 2022

A Lonely COVID Christmas

To all our wonderful customers - we are so blessed and privileged to have you as a BarrelBuddy customer!  You've made this a banner year for our company! Enjoy this fun video a …

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My Kind of Sheriff

Posted by Spartacus on 29th Apr 2022

My Kind of Sheriff

These days the most positive news seems to come out of Florida and it’s Governor Ron DeSantis. Here is another great story from Santa Rosa County in Florida and its sheriff Bob Johnson.It appears that …

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